Detect click outside element

Just move the body click handler outside and do something like this:

$('body').bind('click', function(e) {
    if($('#menu').length == 0) {
        // click happened outside of menu, hide any visible menu items

It was incorrectly pointed out in the comments that does not work in IE; this is not true as jQuery's Event object fixes these inconsistencies where necessary (IE, Safari).

I wrote this a long time ago, before the glory days of jQuery...

function clickedOutsideElement(elemId) {
  var theElem = getEventTarget(window.event);
  while(theElem != null) {
    if( == elemId)
      return false;
    theElem = theElem.offsetParent;
  return true;

function getEventTarget(evt) {
  var targ = ( ? : evt.srcElement;
  if(targ != null) {
    if(targ.nodeType == 3)
      targ = targ.parentNode;
  return targ;

document.onclick = function() {
    alert('Outside the element!');
    alert('Inside the element!');