HTML XPath Searching by class and text

Presuming the conditions below:

  • The class attribute contains only myclass
  • The innerText contains qwerty (without any leading and trailing spaces)

You can use the following solution:

//*[@class='myclass' and text()='qwerty']

Incase the innerText contains qwerty along with some leading and trailing spaces, you can use either of the following solutions:

  • Using normalize-space():

    //*[@class='myclass' and normalize-space()='qwerty']
  • Using contains():

    //*[@class='myclass' and contains(., 'qwerty')]

//span[contains(@class, 'myclass') and text() = 'qwerty']


//span[contains(@class, 'myclass') and normalize-space(text()) = 'qwerty']

Generic solution for anyone looking for a XPath expression to search based on class and text:

Class is only "myclass":

//*[@class='myclass' and contains(text(),'qwerty')]

Class contains "myclass":

//*[contains(@class,'myclass') and contains(text(),'qwerty')]


