How to write dates in 2 lines using the Friggeri CV template?

Adjust the .cls file for entrylist:

  \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}ll |}
    {\footnotesize\addfontfeature{Color=lightgray} #3}\\%

Above, I am wrapping the first column contents (#1) in a parbox so that you can fix and control the spacing. We then shrink the second column so that it doesn't overrun the margin. I also added some inter-column spacing in the entrylist definition. Then in your .tex file, use a \newline as follows:

{Jan 2010 - Jul 2012\newline
Jan 2014 - Jun 2015}
{Cupcakes 'n' Such}
{Cupcake Monster}
\item Take pictures of cupcakes all day long
\item Manage cupcake inventory and liase with other firms
\item Demonstrate how to eat cupcakes to customers without touching lips

If you want the blue color then:

{Jan 2010 - Jul 2012\newline
{\addfontfeature{Color=blue}Jan 2014 - Jun 2015}}
{Cupcakes 'n' Such}
{Cupcake Monster}
\item Take pictures of cupcakes all day long
\item Manage cupcake inventory and liase with other firms
\item Demonstrate how to eat cupcakes to customers without touching lips

This produces the output as:

Two line dates

Because the default helvetica font doesn't have equal spacing for each letter, the dates won't line up exactly. You'll need to switch fonts for that. But I think this achieves your desired effect. In order to achieve this though I've had to push the second column further to the right so you are sacrificing space.


\header{somebody}{iusedtoknow}{fresh graduate}

\begin{aside} % In the aside, each new line forces a line break
123 Street Name
City, Province A2B 3C4
+0 (000) 111 1111
+0 (000) 111 1112
\href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}
{\color{red} $\varheartsuit$} JavaScript
Python, C++, PHP



{Jan 2010 - Jul 2012\newline
Jan 2014 - Jun 2015}
{Cupcakes 'n' Such}
{Cupcake Monster}
\item Take pictures of cupcakes all day long
\item Manage cupcake inventory and liase with other firms
\item Demonstrate how to eat cupcakes to customers without touching lips


You'll have to adjust the parameters, because the result is far from ideal, but the idea can be of using a nested tabular:




\header{somebody}{iusedtoknow}{fresh graduate}


  {\manylines{Jan 2010 -- Jul 2012\\Jan 2014 - Jun 2015}}
  {Cupcakes 'n' Such}
  {Cupcake Monster}
  {Here's what I did
   \item Take pictures of cupcakes all day long
   \item Manage cupcake inventory and liase with other firms
   \item Demonstrate how to eat cupcakes to customers without touching lips


enter image description here