Is there a way to have LaTeX perform distribution?

The polynom package has a low level function \polyprint which prints the expanded form of a polynomial:





The sagetex package has this feature for polynomials and more. You need Sage installed locally or, better yet, Sagemath Cloud to run (no installation needed).

x = var("x")
a = x+1
b = x^2-5*x+2
c = Integer(randint(2,7))*x^2-Integer(randint(2,7))*x+    Integer(randint(2,9))
# c is creating a random quadratic
d = sin(x)+2
e = 2^x+1
\noindent If we want to expand $(\sage{a})(\sage{b})$ the answer is 
$\sage{expand(a*b)}$. The expansion of $(\sage{b})(\sage{c})$
gives $\sage{b*c}$. Finally $(\sage{a})(\sage{b})(\sage{c})=\sage{expand(a*b*c)}$.

We can multiply out things which aren't polynomials, too:

Which gives this output:enter image description here The Sage documentation on expand() and simplify() is here.


Math Mode