How to use standard fields like crdate and cruser_id with TYPO3 and extbase?

This works in TYPO3 8.7 and 9.5


 * @var \DateTime
protected $crdate = null;

 * Returns the creation date
 * @return \DateTime $crdate
public function getCrdate()
    return $this->crdate;

TCA -> add this in the colums;

'columns' => [
    'crdate' => [
        'config' => [
            'type' => 'passthrough',



First, the table fields are named as crdate, and cruser so getters should be named getCrdate and get getCruser

Next in your model you need to add a field and a getter:

/** @var int */
protected $crdate;

* Returns the crdate
* @return int
public function getCrdate() {
    return $this->crdate;

(do the same with cruser field)

And finally in you setup.txt most probably you'll need to add a mappings for these fields:

config.tx_extbase.persistence.classes {
    Tx_Someext_Domain_Model_Somemodel {
        mapping {
            columns.crdate.mapOnProperty = crdate
            columns.cruser.mapOnProperty = cruser    

Of course, don't forget to use proper names in the settings, and clear the cache after changes in the code

This works for me with TYPO3 6.2.11


 * tstamp
 * @var int
protected $tstamp;

 * @return int $tstamp
public function getTstamp() {
    return $this->tstamp;


config.tx_extbase.persistence.classes {
    STUBR\Stellen\Domain\Model\Institution {
        mapping {
            tableName = tx_stellen_domain_model_institution
            columns {
                tstamp.mapOnProperty = tstamp

PS Thanks