How to toggle the google-maps autocomplete on and off?

The solution of Dr.Molle doesn't work for me.

The solution I found is to clearListener and remove pac-container:

var autocomplete;
var autocompleteListener;
function disableGoogleAutocomplete() {
    if (autocomplete !== undefined) {

            console.log('disable autocomplete to GOOGLE');
function enableGoogleAutocomplete() {
    autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete($("#inputDiv input")[0], options);
    autocompleteListener = google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function() { ... }
    console.log('set autocomplete to GOOGLE');

Now I can switch on/off google places Autocomplete.

To remove all listeners added to autocomplete.


To remove all listeners added to input element.



There are two elements related to the autocomplete

  1. the input-element
  2. a div that contains the list-entries. this div will be appended to the body and has the class "pac-container"

So what you can do: show or hide both elements by modifying their display-style.

When it's not possible to hide the input you may replace the input with a clone of the input, this will remove the autocomplete-functionality.


To restore the autocomplete do again what you want to do.