Wordpress keeps redirecting to install-php after migration

Well finally I have solved the problem. And surprise, surprise It was the freaking UPPERCASE letter in my table prefix. I had it this way in my wp-config file wp_C5n but for some reason most of the tables got a prefix wp_c5n. But not all. So what id did was I changed my table prefix in wp_config file to all lowercase and then went through all the tables by hand via phpMyadmin to see If there's any uppercase tables left. There where about 3. They were inside usermeta table and inside options table. Now finally everything is working. Did a quick search through wordpress codex but did not find anything mentioning not to use uppercase characters.

I experienced the same issue as the OP - Wordpress keeps redirecting to install-php after migration.

Problem was my database tables are named as prefix_tablename and I missed the underscore from $table_prefix in wp-config.

$table_prefix = 'myprefix';

should have been

$table_prefix = 'myprefix_';

Resolved: wp-config.php setting

I had a similar problem. I got the install.php after moving files and creating a new database. It seems the install screen shows up it there is problem finding the correct database tables.

I fixed the problem by changing the following settings to be correct:

// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'HikeforLife_dev11');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'HikeforLife_dev11');

$table_prefix  = 'wphk_';

I would check two things:

  • First, I would check the url that is configured in the database. Check the wp_options table and the values of the "siteurl" and "home" options, it is possible that you need to update them if your domain has changed.

  • Another option is that your Apache server could not get the .htaccess. Check if the "AllowOverride" option is "all" in the httpd.conf file.

I hope it helps.