How to solve liquibase checksum validation fail after liquibase upgrade

Using gradle ./gradlew liquibaseClearChecksums

mvn liquibase:clearCheckSums

Will clear the checkSums

You could also use the <validCheckSum> sub-tag of the <changeSet> to add the new checksums as valid checksums.

Also, checkout the comments on the bug CORE-1950. You could put the log level to "debug" on both of your liquibase versions and see if you can find differences in the log output of the checksum creations.

Use subtag something like this

<changeSet id="00000000000009" author="system">
    <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
        <sqlCheck expectedResult="0">SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users</sqlCheck>
    <loadData encoding="UTF-8" file="users.csv" separator=";" tableName="users">
        <column name="active" type="boolean" />
        <column name="deleted" type="boolean" />

You should remember that the value of the validCheckSum tag is the new checksum for the changeset.

Clearing the checksums would be any use for you? Of course they are going to be recalculated . See related question here. Hope that helps