R's table function in Julia (for DataFrames)

You can use the countmap function from StatsBase.jl to count the entries of a single variable. General cross tabulation and statistical tests for contingency tables are lacking at this point. As Ismael points out, this has been discussed in the issue tracker for StatsBase.jl.

I came to the conclusion that a similar effect can be achieved using by:

Let jldata consists of :gender column.

julia> by(jldata, :gender, nrow) 3x2 DataFrames.DataFrame | Row | gender | x1 | |-----|----------|-------| | 1 | NA | 175 | | 2 | "female" | 40254 | | 3 | "male" | 58574 |

Of course it's not a table but at least I get the same data type as the datasource. Surprisingly by seems to be faster than countmap.