How to share Family calendar with non-family member?

An example of MTC is Drinfeld double of a finite group $G$ (over any field of characteristic zero). This category contains representation category of $G$ as a subcategory. So all endomorphisms rings that you can find in representations of finite groups, you can also find in MTC. For example the quaternions will show up in the Drinfeld double of the quaternion group.

Add a copy, or edit the existing copy, of the core (or your theme/sub-theme's) region.tpl.php file, to your active theme. You can change the wrapping markup to whatever you like in there.

Clear the cache, and you're done.

You might be able to circumvent equipment issues with creative use of Fresnel lenses. Here's the path I would create for the light.

  1. Strong Flashlight
  2. Focusing Fresnel Lens
  3. Collimating Fresnel Lens (inverted lens with image at focus). I'd cut this lens to the correct size for the application.
  4. Small hole to refine size and parallel light.

Depending on your intensity requirements you might be able to do it with just a flashlight. Fresnel lenses are fairly cheap and can also be found on old equipment. You might also find using a parabolic mirror, like those sold at beauty stores, useful. You can insert one between stages 1 & 2 or between stages 3 & 4 depending on your needs/goals.