How to resolve Flow type error from Jest mocking

Instead of suppressing the error with any I recommend to use JestMockFn type. Here is a related issue:

Example (copied from the link above):

import ajax from '../../js/comm/ajax';
jest.mock('../../js/comm/ajax', () => {
  return {
    default: jest.fn(),
const mockAjax: JestMockFn<[string], Promise<{body: {}}>> = ajax;
describe('ConfigurationProvider', () => {
  it('calling the fetchConfig() should return a promise', () => {
    const expectedCfg = {x:'y'};

Here is how the type is defined in the latest jest version:

Note that the type is global and doesn't have to be imported (which is unfortunate decision in my opinion but that is a different topic).

Thanks, Andrew Haines, the comments on the related issue you posted provides a solution. I am satisfied with the following:

const mock = (mockFn: any) => mockFn;

test("something when funcOne returns 'foo'", () => {
    mock(funcOne).mockImplementation(() => 'foo');  // mo more flow errors!