How to replace epoch timestamps in a file with other formats?

While it's possible with GNU sed with things like:

sed -E 's/^#([0-9]+).*$/date -d @\1/e'

That would be terribly inefficient (and is easy to introduce arbitrary command injection vulnerabilities1) as that would mean running one shell and one date command for each #xxxx line, virtually as bad as a shell while read loop. Here, it would be better to use things like perl or gawk, that is text processing utilities that have date conversion capabilities built-in:

perl  -MPOSIX -pe 's/^#(\d+).*/ctime $1/se'


gawk '/^#/{$0 = strftime("%c", substr($0, 2))};1'

1 If we had written ^#([0-9]).* instead of ^#([0-9]).*$ (as I did in an earlier version of this answer), then in multi-byte locales like UTF-8 ones (the norm nowadays), with an input like #1472047795<0x80>;reboot, where that <0x80> is the byte value 0x80 which does not form a valid character, that s command would have ended up running date -d@1472047795<0x80>; reboot for instance. While with the extra $, those lines would not be substituted. An alternative approach would be: s/^#([0-9])/date -d @\1 #/e, that is leave the part after the #xxx date as a shell comment

Assuming consistent file format, with bash you can read the file line by line, test if it's in given format and then do the conversion:

while IFS= read -r i; do [[ $i =~ ^#([0-9]{10})$ ]] && \
      date -d@"${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"; done <file.txt

BASH_REMATCH is an array whose first element is the first captured group in Regex matching, =~, in this case the epoch.

If you want to keep the file structure:

while IFS= read -r i; do if [[ $i =~ ^#([0-9]{10})$ ]]; then printf '#%s\n' \
   "$(date -d@"${BASH_REMATCH[1]}")"; else printf '%s\n' "$i"; fi; done <file.txt

this will output the modified contents to STDOUT, to save it in a file e.g. out.txt:

while ...; do ...; done >out.txt

Now if you wish, you can replace the original file:

mv out.txt file.txt


$ cat file.txt
ll /data/holding/email
cat /etc/rsyslog.conf
ll /data/holding/web

$ while IFS= read -r i; do [[ $i =~ ^#([0-9]{10})$ ]] && date -d@"${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"; done <file.txt
Wed Aug 24 20:09:55 BDT 2016
Wed Aug 24 20:11:46 BDT 2016
Wed Aug 24 20:13:58 BDT 2016

$ while IFS= read -r i; do if [[ $i =~ ^#([0-9]{10})$ ]]; then printf '#%s\n' "$(date -d@"${BASH_REMATCH[1]}")"; else printf '%s\n' "$i"; fi; done <file.txt
#Wed Aug 24 20:09:55 BDT 2016
ll /data/holding/email
#Wed Aug 24 20:11:46 BDT 2016
cat /etc/rsyslog.conf
#Wed Aug 24 20:13:58 BDT 2016
ll /data/holding/web

All the other answers spawn a new date process for every epoch date that needs to be converted. This could potentially add performance overhead if your input is large.

However GNU date has a handy -f option that allows a single process instance of date to continuously read input dates without the need for a new fork. So we can use sed, paste and date in this manner such that each one only gets spawned once (2x for sed) regardless of how large the input is:

$ paste -d '\n' <( sed '2~2d;y/#/@/' epoch.txt | date -f - ) <( sed '1~2d' epoch.txt )
Wed Aug 24 07:09:55 PDT 2016
ll /data/holding/email
Wed Aug 24 07:11:46 PDT 2016
cat /etc/rsyslog.conf
Wed Aug 24 07:13:58 PDT 2016
ll /data/holding/web
  • The two sed commands respectively basically delete even and odd lines of the input; the first one also replaces # with @ to give the correct epoch timestamp format.
  • The first sed output is then piped to date -f which does the required date conversion, for every line of input that it receives.
  • These two streams are then interlaced into the single required output using paste. The <( ) constructs are bash process substitutions that effectively trick paste into thinking it is reading from given filenames when it is in fact reading the output piped from the command inside. -d '\n' tells paste to separate odd and even output lines with a newline. You could change (or remove) this if for example you want the timestamp on the same line as the other text.

Note that there are several GNUisms and Bashisms in this command. This is not Posix-compliant and should not be expected to be portable outside of the GNU/Linux world. For example date -f does something else on OSXes BSD date variant.