How to remove this space in proof environment?

You should never (in the sense of never ever) use $$...$$ in LaTeX. For no reason whatsoever. See Why is \[ ... \] preferable to $$ ... $$?

For proofs that end with a display there is \qedhere.


A & \Longrightarrow B\\
 & \Longrightarrow C\qedhere

enter image description here

Depending on the nature of the alignment, you can also use

A & \Longrightarrow B\\
 & \Longrightarrow C\qedhere

At a minimum, you should (a) insert the directive \qedhere immediately after "C" and (b) change \begin{array}{ccc} to \begin{array}[b]{ccc}. The [b] ("bottom") positioning specifier informs LaTeX that the QED symbol should be aligned at the bottom rather than at the center of the array.

Incidentally, you should not use $$ to initiate and terminate displaymath-mode in a LaTeX document. It's badly deprecated. Instead, use \[ and \]. See Why is \[ ... \] preferable to $$ ... $$? for a longer discussion.

I would like to point that ntheorem has an automatic placement of the end-of-proof symbol, without having to ask it (thmmarks option). In addition, we can use its amsthm compatibility option:

\documentclass[10pt, a4paper]{article}
\usepackage[thmmarks, amsmath, thref, amsthm]{ntheorem}%

A & \Longrightarrow B\\
 & \Longrightarrow C
\end{align*} %



enter image description here