Institute Name in @masterthesis Citations

  1. Use @mastersthesis (with an s after master) instead of @masterthesis (which doesn’t exist and probably defaults to some other type), then school will appear.
  2. The entry type @unpublished doesn’t support school, so I’d suggest using note instead, as is recommended in the biblatex documentation:

    Use the fields howpublished and note to supply additional information in free format, if applicable.

    You could also use the field addendum, which would appear at the very end.

    It would probably be more proper and clean to redefine the output of @unpublished to include school/institution, but as a one-off solution, this should be fine.

Here’s the output:


As a side note: The official field names in biblatex are institution, not school; and location, not address, but the latter ones do work as aliases.

Quick and dirty, using bibtex together with natbib:

  title        = "Bike Model",
  author       = "Fris",
  year         = "2016",
  type         = "Master's Thesis",
  school       = "University A",
  address      = "XXX",
  title        = "Electrical Engineering",
  author       = "Koch",
  note         = "Lecture Notes, University B",
  year         = "2015",


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