How to remove duplicate files generated through cocoa pods in iOS

I have fixed the above issue as below

At my Xcode project -- Build Settings -- Other linker Flags -- I removed -all_load then some of the duplicate errors are gone.

Still I get Socket Rocket duplicate warnings after the above solution.

I fixed this by going to Pods Project -- Selected Socket Rocket pods target -- Removed the SRWebSocket.m file from Compiling. It works fine and duplicates are removed.

Thanks for all answers..

You need to remove the socketrocket object code from libWebRTC.a

run lipo -info libWebRTC.a to see what architectures are in the library (current version is i386, armv7, and arm64)

Then run

lipo libWebRTC.a -thin i386 -output libWebRTC-i386.a

Do this for each architecture by replacing i386 with the relevant value. You then need to extract the object files from each archive.

mkdir libWebRTC-i386 && cd libWebRTC-i386 && ar -x ../libWebRTC-i386.a

Do this for each of the new single architecture libraries you've just created. In each of the new folders you will find .o files that contain "socketrocket" - delete these.

Then re-archive the object files for each architecture

libtool -static *.o -o ../libWebRTC-i386.a

Once you have done this re-combine them into a fat library

lipo -create libWebRTC-armv7.a libWebRTC-arm64.a libWebRTC-i386.a -output libWebRTC.a

And voila, it should now work. Really the libWebRTC.a binary needs re-building without the socket rocket object code, and socket rocket should be added as a dependency to the podspec.


  • Backup your project
  • Close the Xcode
- install this gem on terminal:

  • run the command line below :

    pod deintegrate

  • remove the Podfile.lock file in your project directory

  • run install again :

    pod install

  • Open Xcode and Clean your project and Derived Data directory then run again

Hope this solution will fix your problem.
