How to prompt an SQL query user to input information

In case you can not do an application, you have no developers etc etc, you have one way - make a stored proc:

create stored procedure spDoSomeJob
@amon VARCHAR(2),
@invdate DATE

    rest of the code
    declare @sumA numeric(25, 5), @sumB numeric(25, 5), @ratio numeric(25, 5)
    select @sumA = sum(amnt) from accnt where accno = '1152'
    select @sumB = sum(amnt) from acc1152
    update acc1152 set amnt = amnt * (@sumA/@sumB),
    amon = @amon,
    invdate = @invdate,
    ven = '1152',
    code = '1152',
    invno = 'INVENTORY'


Deny any activity permissions for users except just running this procedure. Execute it like:

exec spDoSomeJob  @amon = '05', @invdate = '05/31/2015'

At least you will be sure that no user can occasionally corrupt something... And if you will not supply values to parameters of stored procedure it will prompt you to do this unless you have no default values for those parameters. It seems to me like the best workaround for your case.

Could you perhaps call this query from a different programming language? SQL is not effective for the task you are describing. A high-level language such as Python/Java/C# would allow you to easily prompt for user input and would arguably be more suited to the job.

If you really want to do something in SQL and they're using SSMS then you can use SSMS templates and let the users enter the parameter values using CTRL+SHIFT+M, although I would discourage this approach.

As others have mentioned, SQL Server and Management Studio are not intended as end-user tools.

Since you are using SQL SERVER, you have a tool (perhaps not installed and configured) called SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).

It does have the ability to prompt users for values for the parameters.

Your query goes into the Report Designer, the @ variables become report filters (pretty automatically) and you get to make some nice layout.

PAPER and PRINTING are not involved. In fact SSRS specializes in one report drilling into another, passing starting values for the next query.