How to remove annoying photo from skype desktop?

Click VIEW in the menu. Then click SPLIT WINDOW VIEW. Then click SINGLE WINDOW VIEW

I will dig deeper into this later and give it a better more in depth answer.

  1. Open your Skype
  2. Go to Tools > Change Language
  3. At bottom - Click Edit Skype Language File...
  4. Language file editor will show up - click on Save as - then save it somewhere.
  5. Back to Tools > Change Language
  6. At bottom - Click Load Skype language file...
  7. Select the language file you saved before and click Open.
  8. Restart Skype

In Skype open Tools -> Change language. At the bottom of the language list select the option: Edit Skype Language File. The Language Editor window will pop-up. Click now on the Save as button and save the language file with a name of your choice. Open again Tools -> Change language and load this user defined language file.

You will not see any "instructional messages" anymore.

