How to programmatically check WCF Http/Non-Http Activation components?

For IIS7, check the following Registry Key:


For the following components:

  • Process Model - ProcessModel
  • .NET Environment - NetFxEnvironment
  • Configuration APIs - WASConfigurationAPI

From this page:

UPDATE: Since the above is true even when the components are not installed, try running this command from the command line:

sc query nettcpactivator

If the service is stopped or does not exist, the WCF Non-HTTP Activation components are likely not installed. To install them, run this command:

pkgmgr /iu: WCF-NonHTTP-Activation


For IIS8 with Windows Server 2012 (and probably Windows 8), you can check this registry key (for .NET 4.5)


zero means not installed, and 1 means installed.

You also can use PowerShell to enable WCF Http/Non-Http Activation components:

Import-Module ServerManager
Add-WindowsFeature NET-HTTP-Activation,NET-Non-HTTP-Activ

This way you do not have to mess up with Windows Registry. For more info about adding Windows feature with PowerShell: