Prevent warning when NSDocument file is programmatically renamed

There isn't much on this in the main docs. Instead, have a look at the 10.5 release notes: under the heading "NSDocument Checking for Modified Files At Saving Time"

(In the case of Xcode, it has a long history and I wouldn't be surprised if if doesn't use NSDocument for files within the project)

It is worth noting that moving a file does not change its modification date, so calling -setFileModificationDate: is unlikely to have any effect.

So one possibility could be to bypass NSDocument's usual warning like so:

- (void)saveDocument:(id)sender;
    if (wasRenamed)
        [self saveToURL:[self fileURL] ofType:[self fileType] forSaveOperation:NSSaveOperation delegate:nil didSaveSelector:nil contextInfo:NULL];
        wasRenamed = NO;
        [super saveDocument:sender];

Ideally you also need to check for the possibility of:

  1. Ask app to rename the doc
  2. Renamed file is then modified/moved by another app
  3. User goes to save the doc

At that point you want the usual warning sheet to come up. Could probably be accomplished by something like:

- (void)renameDocumentTo:(NSString *)newName
    // Do the rename

    [self setFileURL:newURL];
    wasRenamed = YES; // MUST happen after -setFileURL:

- (void)setFileURL:(NSURL *)absoluteURL;
    if (![absoluteURL isEqual:[self fileURL]]) wasRenamed = NO;
    [super setFileURL:absoluteURL];

- (void)setFileModificationDate:(NSDate *)modificationDate;
    if (![modificationDate isEqualToDate:[self fileModificationDate]]) wasRenamed = NO;
    [super setFileModificationDate:modificationDate];

Otherwise, your only other choice I can see is to call one of the standard save/write methods with some custom parameters that prompt your document subclass to move the current doc rather than actually save it. Would be trickier I think. Perhaps define your own NSSaveOperationType?

With this technique the doc system should understand that the rename was part of a save-like operation, but it would need quite a bit of experimentation to be sure.