How to output JavaScript into a Textbox

You have to get rid of form tag,than change javascript code a little Here is the working example: JSFIDDLE EXAMPLE


<label for="">Width (b): </label><input type="textbox" name="width"></input><br>
<label for="">Height (h): </label><input type="textbox" name="height"></input><br>
<button onClick="calculateArea()">Calculate area</button><br>
<label for="output">The area is: </label><input type="textbox" name="output"></input>


function calculateArea() {
var base = document.getElementsByName('width')[0].value;
var height = document.getElementsByName('height')[0].value;
var out = (1/2) * parseFloat(base) * parseFloat(height);

document.getElementsByName('output')[0].value= out;
