How to copy a div's content to clipboard without flash

You can copy to clipboard almost in any browser from input elements only (elements that has .value property), but you can't from elements like <div>, <p>, <span>... (elements that has .innerHTML property).

But I use this trick to do so:

  1. Create a temporary input element, say <textarea>
  2. Copy innerHTML from <div> to the newly created <textarea>
  3. Copy .value of <textarea> to clipboard
  4. Remove the temporary <textarea> element we just created

function CopyToClipboard (containerid) {
  // Create a new textarea element and give it id='temp_element'
  var textarea = document.createElement('textarea') = 'temp_element'
  // Optional step to make less noise on the page, if any! = 0
  // Now append it to your page somewhere, I chose <body>
  // Give our textarea a value of whatever inside the div of id=containerid
  textarea.value = document.getElementById(containerid).innerText
  // Now copy whatever inside the textarea to clipboard
  var selector = document.querySelector('#temp_element')
  // Remove the textarea
<div id="to-copy">
  This text will be copied to your clipboard when you click the button!
<button onClick="CopyToClipboard('to-copy')">Copy</button>

Little late but hope that helps!