How to make XMLHttpRequest cross-domain withCredentials, HTTP Authorization (CORS)?

I've written an article with a complete CORS setup.

I found several issues that can result in this problem:

  1. The Access-Control-Allow-Origin cannot be a wildcard if credentials are being used. It's easiest just to copy the Origin header of the request to this field. It's entirely unclear why the standard would disallow a wildcard.
  2. Firefox caches the Access-Control results even if you clear the cache (perhaps for the session). Restarting forced it to do a new OPTIONS request. To aid in debugging I added the header Access-Control-Max-Age: 1
  3. The username/password of the open command is apparently not usable as the credentials. You must add an Authorization header yourself. xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Authorization', 'Basic ' + btoa( user + ':' + pass ) )

Overall the withCredentials system is rather braindead. It's easier to simply write a server that accepts the authorization as part of the body of the request.