Volley Image Caching

Are you using Volley as a singleton? If you're not, and you're not using a common context for the requestQueue, it won't work the way you expect. The documentation on this part of Volley is particularly unhelpful (at least since I used it last). Once configured properly it will read/write from the cache as you would expect.

Here is a GitHub project with a VolleySingleton class you can use along with examples: CypressNorth/Volley-Singleton

Here is a blog post describing the setup in more detail: Setting up the Android Google Volley ImageLoader for NetworkImageView

You can see in the link below, the continuation of my question for implementing Image Caching with Volley using Jake Wharton's DiskLruCache and VolleyImageCacheExample. It's working as expected and images are getting cached. Thanks for all your help.

JakeWharton's DiskLruCache - How to Implement with Volley?

Volley did not gave caching option directly. you have to make your own with in the tool provide by Volley. See Network Image caching, Jake Wharton had written about caching mechanism using Volley. Jake Wharton's Volley Customization