How to make table less cramped

Experiment with Mico's solution: The fractions can be made less ragged, if the fraction bars have equal lengths. All numerators and denominators have one or two digits. The macro \mytwofrac extends the numerator and/or denominator, if there is only one digit. The following example assumes non-proportional widths for the digits and that the width of a digit is 0.5em (for simplicity).

\usepackage{array} % <-- new

  {\ifnum#1<10 \kern.25em#1\kern.25em\else#1\fi}%
  {\ifnum#2<10 \kern.25em#2\kern.25em\else#2\fi}%

\foreach \i in {1,...,6}{
    \foreach \j in {1,...,6}{

\setlength\arraycolsep{4pt} % default: 5pt
\begin{array}{@{} *{6}{>{\displaystyle}l} l @{}}


Here's a solution that uses an array environment instead of a tabular environment and creates 6 separate left-aligned columns whose contents are automatically in display-math mode.

enter image description here

\usepackage{array} % <-- new
\foreach \i in {1,...,6}{
    \foreach \j in {1,...,6}{
            (\i,\j)\to\frac{\num}{\div}& % note: no $-symbols necessary

\setlength\arraycolsep{4pt} % default: 5pt
\begin{array}{@{} *{6}{>{\displaystyle}l} l @{}}

Some explanations:

  • The opening and closing @{} particles mean, "no whitespace padding" (at the left- and right-hand edges). (These particles are, strictly speaking, optional. However, I think it's nice to provide them.)

  • *{6}{>{\displaystyle}l} means, "create 6 columns of type >{\displaystyle}l", i.e., left-aligned columns whose cells are automatically in display-style math mode. This is useful because \frac will then generate "large" fractions.

  • The final l-type column is a "dummy" column. Its contents are always going to be empty; it's necessary, though, to specify a 7th column, as the (\i,\j)\to\frac{\num}{\div}& directive inserts a column divider, &, at the end of each output string. Since there are 6 instances of &, one must set up 7 (not 6) columns.

Here is a solution with cellspace, which lets you define minimal vertical spacing at the top and bottom of cells in columns with sprefixezd with the letter S (or C if you load siunitx):



\foreach \i in {1,...,6}{
    \foreach \j in {1,...,6}{



enter image description here