Reduce spacing around colons in math mode

You're using the colon as an operation symbol, which is seldom done in professional mathematics, where the colon usually denotes a relation symbol. However, the colon is commonly found in elementary mathematics.

Here is a visual comparison:




& DE:AB = 18:6                     && \text{too wide} \\
& DE{:}AB = 18{:}6                 && \text{too tight} \\
& DE{\,:\,}AB = 18{\,:\,}6         && \text{maybe better} \\
& DE\mathbin{:}AB = 18\mathbin{:}6 && \text{right, IMO} 


enter image description here

When you have decided what's best for you, add one of the following definitions (\rt is for ‘ratio’, choose a different name if you wish):

\newcommand{\rt}{{:}}         % for choice 2
\newcommand{\rt}{{\,:\,}}     % for choice 3
\newcommand{\rt}{\mathbin{:}} % for choice 4

and input your proportions as

DE \rt AB = 18 \rt 6

Just put the colons in groups.




DE{:}AB = 18{:}6 \quad AB{:}12 = CE{:}15


You can redeclare : to be of class \mathord. If have to restore the original behaviour, use \mathrel{:}.





\[ DE:AB = 18:6 \quad AB:12 = CE:15 \]


enter image description here


Math Mode