How to make a Born square?

Using TikZ and the positioning library, this isn't too difficult

\begin{tikzpicture}[on grid]
  \node (p) at (0,0) {$-p$};  
  \node [right=0.65cm of p] (G) {$G$};
  \node [right=0.65cm of G] (T) {$T$};
  \node [above=0.65cm of T] (A) {$A$};
  \node [above=0.65cm of p] (H) {$H$};
  \node [above=0.65cm of H] (S) {$-S$};
  \node [right=0.65cm of S] (U) {$U$};
  \node [right=0.65cm of U] (V) {$V$};

  \draw (H.south west) rectangle (A.north east);
  \draw (G.south west) rectangle (U.north east);

enter image description here

I generally dislike writing in multiple lines that are essentially the same except for slight changes what can be accomplished a bit more broadly. Here's the same figure, but this time generated by using a \foreach loop and the remember ... as ... key

\begin{tikzpicture}[on grid]

  \node (p) at (0,0) {$-p$};  
  \foreach \myfrontmatter/\myn/\mypos 
    [remember=\myn as \myprev (initially p)]
    \node [\mypos=0.65cm of \myprev] (\myn) {$\myfrontmatter\myn$};

  \draw (H.south west) rectangle (A.north east);
  \draw (G.south west) rectangle (U.north east);

Another solution using tikz / matrix


  \newcommand{\celldef}{|[draw=black!40, line width=.8pt, font=\color{Yellow4}]|}

  \matrix [matrix of nodes, nodes={minimum width=1cm, minimum height=1cm},
  row sep=-.8pt, column sep=-.8pt]
    -S           & \celldef {U} & V            \\
    \celldef {H} &              & \celldef {A} \\
    -p           & \celldef {G} & T            \\
  \newcommand{\celldef}{|[draw=black!40, line width=1pt, font=\color{Red4}]|}

  \matrix [matrix of math nodes, nodes={minimum width=1cm, minimum height=1cm},
  row sep=-1pt, column sep=-1pt]
    -S           & \celldef {U} & V            \\
    \celldef {H} &              & \celldef {A} \\
    -p           & \celldef {G} & T            \\

enter image description here

For fun, here is how you can typeset such tables in ConTeXt. Notice the clean separation between content and presentation!

\definecolor[darkred] [r=0.85]
\startsetups born
  \setupTABLE[framecolor=darkgray, rulethickness=1bp]
  \setupTABLE[width=2.5em, height=2.5em, align={middle,lohi}]
  \setupTABLE[1,3] [1,3][frame=off]
  \setupTABLE[row]   [2][color=darkred]

  \NC $-S$ \NC $U$ \NC $V$ \NC \NR
  \NC $H$  \NC     \NC $A$ \NC \NR
  \NC $-p$ \NC $G$ \NC $T$ \NC \NR

enter image description here