tlmgr open documentation for <package>. BasicTeX

This is supposed to be a comment, but I do not have enough reputation to do that.

I think this script may help. It says (I changed it a little bit):

  1. Install texdoc by

    tlmgr install texdoc
  2. Enable automatic build of documentation, which is disabled (by default) for BasicTeX tlmgr:

    tlmgr option docfiles 1
  3. Build documentation for all installed packages:

    tlmgr install --reinstall $(tlmgr list --only-installed | sed -E 's/i (.*):.*$/\1/')

    The tlmgr list format is i <pkg-name>: <description> so we get the name with sed. I used ERE (Extended Regular Expression) since BasicTeX is only available on OS X, where ERE is available with -E. Note that tlmgr list --only-installed and tlmgr info --only-installed seems to be the same, checked with Bash process substitution and diff.

In some of the steps above you may need sudo (depending on how you installed BasicTeX). Use it wisely. This answer is related, I think.

You need to install texdoc on BasicTeX with tlmgr install texdoc in order to be able to run texdoc <package>.