how to localize iOS 8 today extensions widget and also the widget name

For strings in your containing app and Today Widget can share the same localization files. You can simply select Localizable.string, and in the File inspector check your today widget target in Target Membership. Then all your NSLocalizedString in the today widget share the same one with the containing localization strings.

For the today widget application name, then just add an InfoPlist.strings file, and

"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Translated Name";
"CFBundleName" = "Translated Name";

Just run your containing app for testing.

Add LSHasLocalizedDisplayName = YES to Info.plist file and add your localizations to InfoPlist.strings which you have to place under the language.proj folder per languages, for example de.lproj for German versions.

Before testing: - Clean the project - Remove the application from the simulator. - Add language.proj folder references to extension's Supporting files part - to include them inside Copy bundle resources section in Build Phases of your extension target.