Ace Editor manually adding snippets

Use ace.define(...) for adding your snippet. The snippets are written in tex-like language.

  • For Snippet defined at ./src/lib/json-snippet.js:
// eslint-disable-next-line
const snippet = '# AddNode\n\
snippet addn\n\
        "nodeName": "${1:node_name}",\n\
        "algorithmName": "${2:algo_name}",\n\
        "input": []\n\

export default snippet;
// import your snippet
import snippet from "../lib/json-snippet";

ace.define("ace/snippets/json", ["require", "exports", "module"], (e, t, n) => {
    // eslint-disable-next-line
    (t.snippetText = snippet), (t.scope = "json");
  • Use brace/mode/{filetype}, brace/snippets/{filetype} for defining file type and it snippets.

  • Find existing snippets at node_module/brace/snippets/ for overriding.

import "brace/mode/json";
import "brace/snippets/json";
import "brace/ext/language_tools";

For more information check out:

  • Demo
  • This repository

If you don't use RequireJS then the following syntax works as well:

ace.config.loadModule('ace/ext/language_tools', function () {

The other answers seem to be kind of old or rather hacky. This worked for me using actual Ace APIs on v1.4.12 (albeit this seems to be totally and frustratingly undocumented).

const snippetManager = ace.require('ace/snippets').snippetManager;
const snippetContent = `
# scope: html
snippet hello
    <p>Hello, \${1:name}!</p>
const snippets = snippetManager.parseSnippetFile(snippetContent);
snippetManager.register(snippets, 'html');

Exchange html for whatever scope you want.

In the editor type "hello" followed by TAB to trigger the snippet.

After hours of hacks and research, I finally came across the insertSnippet function of snippetManager in ext-language_tools.js, it works this way:

var snippetManager = ace.require("ace/snippets").snippetManager;
snippetManager.insertSnippet(editor, snippet);

Pretty easy actually, couldn't find it earlier due to lack of documentation.