How to load mock data from JSON file in Angular 2 karma jasmine test?

I had the same issue!

Finally, I realized that just using the require() function directly in TypeScript works just fine. It is supported by Node and @types/node, otherwise some need to declare require types.

So to load mock data from JSON file in Angular 2 Karma Jasmine test, go for:

const data: any = require('../../assets/mock-data.json');

PS: credits to Artur Ampilogov

You can configure the typescript compiler to load in json files, by specifying


Or by adding

"resolveJsonModule": true

to the compilerOptions property of tsconfig.json

Then, in your spec file, you can import the json file into a variable as follows:

import * as myJson from './test/myJson.json';

You can then access it in a test, e.g.:

it('it should let me access properties from my json file', () => {