How to listen for keyboard open/close in Javascript/Sencha?

Recently I got stuck in a similar problem. After some research, I realized that 'Visual viewport Api' was the solution.

'The visual viewport is the visual portion of a screen excluding on-screen keyboards, areas outside of a pinch-zoom area, or any other on-screen artifact that doesn't scale with the dimensions of a page'

window.visualViewport.addEventListener('resize', event => console.log(;

Code above will be executed every time the 'visual viewport' is resized, for instance, when the keyboard opens/closes.

Keyboard will be automatically invoked while you are focusing textfield, textareafield ... . So you can create listener to the focus event in javascript which is similar to listening to the keyboard open event. Also you can use the blur listener to handle the keyboard close.


I've encountered the same issue, and I think that the best solution in your case is to use a PhoneGap plugin which will bind the native events, like this one :

It works great on Android and iOS the same way, just bind those events:

window.addEventListener('native.showkeyboard', keyboardShowHandler);

window.addEventListener('native.hidekeyboard', keyboardHideHandler);