How to keep an unique counter per row with PostgreSQL?

SEQUENCE is guaranteed to be unique, and your use-case looks applicable if your number of documents isn't too high (else you have a lot of sequences to manage). Use the RETURNING clause to get the value that was generated by the sequence. For example, using 'A36' as a document_id:

  • Per document, you could create a sequence to track the increment.
  • Managing the sequences will need to be handled with some care. You could perhaps keep a separate table containing the document names and the sequence associated with that document_id to reference when inserting/updating the document_revisions table.

     CREATE SEQUENCE d_r_document_a36_seq;
     INSERT INTO document_revisions (document_id, rev)
     VALUES ('A36',nextval('d_r_document_a36_seq')) RETURNING rev;

This is often solved with optimistic locking:

SELECT version, x FROM foo;

version | foo
    123 | ..

UPDATE foo SET x=?, version=124 WHERE version=123

If the update returns 0 rows updated, you've missed your update because someone else already update the row.

Assuming you store all revisions of the document in a table, an approach would be to not store the revision number but calculate it based on the number of revisions stored in the table.

It is, essentially, a derived value, not something that you need to store.

A window function can be used to calculate the revision number, something like

row_number() over (partition by document_id order by <change_date>)

and you'll need a column something like change_date to keep track of the order of the revisions.

On the other hand, if you just have revision as a property of the document and it indicates "how many times the document has changed", then I would go for the optimistic locking approach, something like:

update documents
set revision = revision + 1
where document_id = <id> and revision = <old_revision>;

If this updates 0 rows, then there has been intermediate update and you need to inform the user of this.

In general, try to keep your solution as simple as possible. In this case by

  • avoiding the use of explicit locking functions unless absolutely necessary
  • having fewer database objects (no per document sequences) and storing fewer attributes (don't store the revision if it can be calculated)
  • using a single update statement rather than a select followed by an insert or update