Cannot rename the table because it is published for replication

sp_removedbreplication 'DB_NAME' that will remove replication from the database.

From How to cleanup Replication Bits by Chris Skorlinski of Microsoft SQL Server Escalation Services:

sp_removedbreplication – Removes all replication objects from a database without updating data at the Distributor. This stored procedure is executed at the Publisher on the publication database or at the Subscriber, on the subscription database.

sp_removedbreplication is useful when restoring a replicated database that has no replication objects needing to be restored.

You do not need to remove the whole replication. You can just remove the single article (aka your table) from the replication. In SSMS connect to the publishing server, expand Local Publications -> Properties -> Articles. Uncheck the table you want to rename, then rename the table, then re-add it to the article list (make sure to uncheck "Show only checked articles in the list" option to see all addable objects). Then start a new snapshot in the snapshot agent: Local Publications -> Properties -> View Snapshot Agent Status -> Start.