How to identify a pandas column is a list

You can use applymap, compare and then add all for check if all values are Trues:

print (df.applymap(type))
               X               Y              Z
0  <class 'int'>  <class 'list'>  <class 'str'>
1  <class 'int'>  <class 'list'>  <class 'str'>
2  <class 'int'>  <class 'list'>  <class 'str'>

a = (df.applymap(type) == list).all()
print (a)
X    False
Y     True
Z    False
dtype: bool


a = df.applymap(lambda x: isinstance(x, list)).all()
print (a)
X    False
Y     True
Z    False
dtype: bool

And if need list of columns:

L = a.index[a].tolist()
print (L)

If want check dtypes (but strings, list, dict are objects):

print (df.dtypes)
X     int64
Y    object
Z    object
dtype: object

a = df.dtypes == 'int64'
print (a)
X     True
Y    False
Z    False
dtype: bool

If your dataset is big, you should take a sample before apply the type function, then you can check:

If the the most common type is list:

.astype(str) == "<class 'list'>"

If all values are list:

.astype(str) == "<class 'list'>")\

If any values are list:

.astype(str) == "<class 'list'>")\