Failed to minify the code from this file

For people that still face this issue, here I found a solution that worked for me; I will explain it step by step here:

Recently I involved in a project that uses an older version of create-react-app with webpack@3 and uglifyJsPlugin in it's webpack configuration. While I worked with the project the main issue and problem raised when I installed other npm packages and I worked with them for a while in dev mode. After I've done my tasks on them, when I wanted to build the project, I faced with the headache of:

cannot minify code from this file blah blah blah...

The problem raised from minifying the js files so t thought that if I change the configuration of to change the minification process of it, then I would be able to solve the problem. So I checked the file and I saw that it uses the uglifyJsPlugin for minification. I changed the configuration to use terser-webpack-plugin and I got another error that would state that this pkg is for webpack@4. Finally I ended up using terser-webpack-plugin-legacy for my webpack@3 configuration and it worked perfectly. Please note that my create-react-app was ejected.

For those you are facing the problem. First check your package.json whether you are using React-script 1.x. If so try upgrade to 2.x.x.

From the official Troubleshooting docs npm run build fails to minify

npm run build fails to minify Before [email protected], this problem was caused by third party node_modules using modern JavaScript features because the minifier couldn't handle them during the build. This has been solved by compiling standard modern JavaScript features inside node_modules in [email protected] and higher.

If you're seeing this error, you're likely using an old version of react-scripts. You can either fix it by avoiding a dependency that uses modern syntax, or by upgrading to react-scripts@>=2.0.0 and following the migration instructions in the changelog.

Upgrade by.

npm install --save --save-exact [email protected]


yarn add --exact [email protected]