How to get vuex state from a javascript file (instead of a vue component)

For anyone wondering how to access a mutation from a javascript file, you can do the following:

import store from './store'
store.commit('mutation_name', mutation_argument);

Or for actions,

store.dispatch('action_name', action_argument)

import store from './store'

and than

store.commit('mutation_name', mutation_argument)

if you use js file

It is possible to access the store as an object in an external js file, I have also added a test to demonstrate the changes in the state.

here is the external js file:

import { store } from '../store/store'

export function getAuth () {
  return store.state.authorization.AUTH_STATE

The state module:

import * as NameSpace from '../NameSpace'
   Import everything in NameSpace.js as an object.
   call that object NameSpace.
   NameSpace exports const strings.

import { ParseService } from '../../Services/parse'

const state = {
  [NameSpace.AUTH_STATE]: {
    auth: {},
    error: null

const getters = {
  [NameSpace.AUTH_GETTER]: state => {
    return state[NameSpace.AUTH_STATE]

const mutations = {
  [NameSpace.AUTH_MUTATION]: (state, payload) => {
    state[NameSpace.AUTH_STATE] = payload

const actions = {
  [NameSpace.ASYNC_AUTH_ACTION]: ({ commit }, payload) => {
    ParseService.login(payload.username, payload.password)
      .then((user) => {
        commit(NameSpace.AUTH_MUTATION, {auth: user, error: null})
      .catch((error) => {
        commit(NameSpace.AUTH_MUTATION, {auth: [], error: error})

export default {

The store:

import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import authorization from './modules/authorization'


export const store = new Vuex.Store({
  modules: {         

So far all I have done is create a js file which exports a function returning the AUTH_STATE property of authorization state variable.

A component for testing:

<template lang="html">
    <label class="login-label" for="username">Username
        <input class="login-input-field" type="text" name="username" v-model="username">
    <label class="login-label" for="password" style="margin-top">Password
         <input class="login-input-field" type="password" name="username" v-model="password">
    <button class="login-submit-btn primary-green-bg" type="button" @click="login(username, password)">Login</button>

import { mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import * as NameSpace from '../../store/NameSpace'
import { getAuth } from '../../Services/test'

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      username: '',
      password: ''
  computed: {
      authStateObject: NameSpace.AUTH_GETTER
    authState () {
      return this.authStateObject.auth
    authError () {
      return this.authStateObject.error
  watch: {
    authError () {
        console.log('watch: ', getAuth()) // ------------------------- [3]
    authState () {
      if (this.authState.sessionToken) {
        console.log('watch: ', getAuth()) // ------------------------- [2]
  methods: {
      authorize: NameSpace.ASYNC_AUTH_ACTION
    login (username, password) {
      this.authorize({username, password})
      console.log(getAuth())             // ---------------------------[1]

On the button click default state is logged on to the console. The action in my case results in an api call, resulting a state change if the username - password combination had a record.

A success case results in showing the console in authState watch, the imported function can print the changes made to the state.

Likewise, on a fail case, the watch on authError will show the changes made to the state