Dependency Injection wth NLog

Using DI specify ILogger<T> type instead of Logger, where T is the class type that uses the logger, so NLog will know about the class. For example:

public class TodoController : Controller
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    public TodoController(ILogger<TodoController> logger)
        _logger = logger;


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I think I've figured out an acceptable solution, although not exactly the way I asked the question.

First of all, I create a "LoggerFactory", which has a single method called "GetLogger" (which creates the concrete NLog Logger and accepts a class name as a parameter), and I inject this factory instead of the logger directly.


public class LoggerFactory : ILoggerFactory
    public ILogger GetLogger(string fullyQualifiedClassName)
        return new NLogLogger(fullyQualifiedClassName);


public class NLogLogger : ILogger, INLogLogger
    NLog.Logger mylogger;
    public NLogLogger(string fullyQualifiedClassName)
        mylogger = NLog.LogManager.GetLogger(fullyQualifiedClassName);



The in my controller class, I've got:

    private BLL.Logging.ILogger logger;//my NLogLogger inherits this interface

    public HomeController(BLL.Logging.ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
        logger = loggerFactory.GetLogger(this.GetType().FullName);

So what I've effectively now done, is rather than injecting the actual Logger itself (Which @Steven indicated would not be possible the way I was trying to do it), I've instead injected the utility to create an instance of a logger which wraps NLog.

I've still got the responsibility to create the logger within the class, but at least I've decoupled from the underlying logging framework (NLog).