How to get the progress status of the file uploaded to Amazon S3 using Java

I got the answer of my questions the best way get the true progress status by using below code

ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata();

String key = Util.getLoginUserName() + "/"
        + mpf.getOriginalFilename();
PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(
                Constants.S3_BUCKET_NAME, key, mpf.getInputStream(),

putObjectRequest.setProgressListener(new ProgressListener() {
        public void progressChanged(ProgressEvent progressEvent) {
                    + ">> Number of byte transfered "
                    + new Date());
            double totalByteRead = request
                                                    Constants.TOTAL_BYTE_READ) != null ? (Double) request
                                            .getSession().getAttribute(Constants.TOTAL_BYTE_READ) : 0;

            totalByteRead += progressEvent.getBytesTransfered();
            request.getSession().setAttribute(Constants.TOTAL_BYTE_READ, totalByteRead);
            System.out.println("total Byte read "+ totalByteRead);

            request.getSession().setAttribute(Constants.TOTAL_PROGRESS, (totalByteRead/size)*100);
        System.out.println("percentage completed >>>"+ (totalByteRead/size)*100);   
        if (progressEvent.getEventCode() == ProgressEvent.COMPLETED_EVENT_CODE) {
            System.out.println("completed  ******");

The problem with my previous code was , I was not setting the content length in meta data so i was not getting the true progress status. The below line is copy from PutObjectRequest class API

Constructs a new PutObjectRequest object to upload a stream of data to the specified bucket and key. After constructing the request, users may optionally specify object metadata or a canned ACL as well.

Content length for the data stream must be specified in the object metadata parameter; Amazon S3 requires it be passed in before the data is uploaded. Failure to specify a content length will cause the entire contents of the input stream to be buffered locally in memory so that the content length can be calculated, which can result in negative performance problems.

I going to assume you are using the AWS SDK for Java.

Your code is working as it should: It shows read is being called with 4K being read each time. Your idea (updated in the message) is also correct: The AWS SDK provides ProgressListener as a way to inform the application of progress in the upload.

The "problem" is in the implementation of the AWS SDK it is buffering more than the ~30K size of your file (I'm going to assume it's 64K) so you're not getting any progress reports.

Try to upload a bigger file (say 1M) and you'll see both methods give you better results, after all with today's network speeds reporting the progress on a 30K file is not even worth it.

If you want better control you could implement the upload yourself using the S3 REST interface (which is what the AWS Java SDK ultimately uses) it is not very difficult, but it is a bit of work. If you want to go this route I recommend finding an example for computing the session authorization token instead of doing it yourself (sorry my search foo is not strong enough for a link to actual sample code right now.) However once you go to all that trouble you'll find that you actually want to have a 64K buffer on the socket stream to ensure maximum throughput in a fast network (which is probably why the AWS Java SDK behaves as it does.)