LC.exe could not be run

There is MS Support workaround:

when you build the project , delete the Licence file from the project everytime you get this error , just delete the licence file

I changed the value of the property Build Action from EmbeddedResource to None on the file licenses.licx. It solved the problem.

had same problem. For the Lc.exe a command line is generated this is limitied up to around 32k chars. In this command normally all references are written with theit fullpath.

so if you have many references you can get into trouble.

There are some things you can do: - Remove unused references - Make sure that you don't reference indirect depdencies. Use instead the hint path you can define for the assemblies. - Shorten the path in with the references are placed - You could create a virtual drive to put the refs there to get the shorted possible reference path (eg. Z:\my.dll)