How to get the core part - that does the trick - of parallax work?

Parallax is actually quite simple in principle. Just make the parallax element scroll slower than the rest of the content. That being said, a parallax implementation can be as simple as dividing the scroll distance by a factor:

var parallaxFactor = 3;
window.addEventListener("scroll", function(e){ = (document.body.scrollTop / parallaxFactor) + "px"; 
    // This is the magic. This positions the element's y-cord based off of the page scroll
}, false);


This is an extremely simple demonstration of the parallax effect. Other more thorough implementations may handle values as percentages, or attempt to smooth the animation with TweenMax. This however, is the magic you're looking for.

Live long and prosper.


This example only works for elements at the top of a screen. If this were for a more general purpose, you would want to store the default y-position of the element, then something along the lines of defaultYCord + (document.body.scrollTop / parallaxFactor).

Update 2:

A very good visualization for parallax comes from Keith Clark who made a pure css parallax scroller: If you click debug in the upper left, it gives you a nice 3d-view of the magic.