Cannot acces Asp.Net Core on local Docker Container

I had the same issue and found the solution to this. You will need to change the default listening hostname. By default, the app will listen to the localhost, ignoring any incoming requests from outside the container. Change your code in program.cs to listen for all incoming calls:

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var host = new WebHostBuilder()


More info:

Make sure you are running the container with the -p flag with the port binding.

docker run -p 5000:5000 <containerid>

At the time of this writing, it seems that the

EXPOSE 5000:5000

command does not have the same effect as the -p command. I haven't had real success with -P (upper case) either.

Edit 8/28/2016:

One thing to note. If you are using docker compose with the -d (detached) mode, it may take a little while for the dotnet run command to launch the server. Until it's done executing the command (and any other before it), you will receive ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE in Chrome.

Just update your entry point as follows, no code change is required:

ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "run", "--server.urls", "http://*:5000"]

The default Docker network on Windows Server 2016 is NAT, so you may want to use the IP which you can find out with docker inspect <container name/ID>. Not sure if this is the case with other Windows versions as well.


