How to get rid of error message on ssh login --> "setterm: terminal xterm does not support --blength"

Oh dear after long last I found it thanks to one of the comments of strobelight pointing out that possible candidates for the setting to look into are in /etc/profile.d/

[..] /etc/profile and /etc/profile.d/* are also possible ways to get terminal settings entered [..]

I then promptly did just that with grep -e "blength" /etc/profile.d/*. The output of which was: -blength 0

So I first commented it out, logged out, back in again and the error was gone.

I then looked at the command a second time since it didn't have double dashes -- but just a single one.

So I assumed since commenting out the line fixes the error¹, the command setterm expects key value pairs and handles the dashes itself or insert another implementation detail but in any case I have to provide the command as such:

setterm blength 0

Said, done, saved, relogged and the error is still gone and the bell most likely stays silent. Again wouldn't have found this without strobelight`s comment.

¹ but probably enables the bell again, which I couldn't tell since I am RDP'd into the machine thats running the ssh session w/o forwarding sounds - why the additional layer you might ask, to which I answer corporate notebook w/o rights to do shit, which yes is stupid considering my job