How to get logical ID of resource with CDK?

In addition to the excellent answer from jaredready, you can also explicitly set the logical ID using resource.node.default_child.overrideLogicalId("AnyStringHere")

This may make it easier as you can set it once and use hard-coded strings rather than looking up the value for every test.

After writing up this whole post and digging through the CDK code, I stumbled on the answer I was looking for. If anybody has a better approach for getting the logical ID from a higher level CDK construct, the contribution would be much appreciated.

If you need to get the logical ID of a CDK resource you can do the following:

const stack = new Stack();
const construct = new SampleConstruct(stack, "SampleConstruct");
const logicalId = stack.getLogicalId(construct.securityGroup.node.defaultChild as CfnSecurityGroup);

Note that you you already have a CloudFormation resource (eg something that begins with with Cfn) then it's a little easier.

// Pretend construct.securityGroup is of type CfnSecurityGroup
const logicalId = stack.getLogicalId(construct.securityGroup);