c++ iterator of any container with specific value type using concepts

To fit in with the C++20 Ranges ecosystem:

template <std::input_iterator I, std::sentinel_for<I> S>
    requires std::same_as<std::iter_value_t<I>, MyClass>
constexpr void myFunction(I begin, S end)
    // ...

Probably not the easiest to understand reference, but the normative source of information for concepts is the available standard draft. Where a concept definition is specified grammatically as

1 A concept is a template that defines constraints on its template arguments.

  concept concept-name = constraint-expression ;

It's pretty much just like a bool variable template constant, but it's defined with the concept keyword. So to translate your condition directly to a concept is essentially this

template<typename T>
concept MyClassIter = std::is_same_v<
                        typename std::iterator_traits<T>::value_type

With the concept in hand, we can use it as a type constraint on a template's type parameter, thus transforming your template into this

template <MyClassIter IteratorType>
void myFunction( IteratorType begin, IteratorType end ) {}

If the constraint is not satisfied for a type, this overload is discarded. Not satisfied in this context also includes substitution failures. So it's the same condition you had originally.

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