How to get all Windows service names starting with a common word?

Using PowerShell, you can use the following

Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.displayName.StartsWith("NATION-")} | Select name

This will show a list off all services which displayname starts with "NATION-".

You can also directly stop or start the services;

Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.displayName.StartsWith("NATION-")} | Stop-Service
Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.displayName.StartsWith("NATION-")} | Start-Service

or simply

Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.displayName.StartsWith("NATION-")} | Restart-Service

sc queryex type= service state= all | find /i "NATION"
  • use /i for case insensitive search
  • the white space after type=is deliberate and required