FluentValidation Call RuleSet and Common Rules

Instead you could do this:

using FluentValidation;
FluentValidation.Results.ValidationResult resultCommon =
    validator.Validate(parameter, ruleSet: "default, Insert");

The using directive is required to bring the Validate() extension method from DefaultValidatorExtensions into scope, which has the ruleSet property. Otherwise you will only have the Validate() method available from inheriting AbstractValidator<T>, which doesn't have a ruleSet argument.

In your Validator class create a method, that includes all "common" rules that need to be applied at all times. Now you can call this method

  • from your "create" RuleSet
  • from outside of the RuleSet


public class MyEntityValidator : AbstractValidator<MyEntity>
    public MyEntityValidator()
        RuleSet("Create", () =>
                RuleFor(x => x.Email).EmailAddress();


    /// <summary>
    /// Rules that should be applied at all times
    /// </summary>
    private void ExecuteCommonRules()
        RuleFor(x => x.Name).NotEmpty();
        RuleFor(x => x.City).NotEmpty();

You define the RuleSet for an action in your controller

public ActionResult Create([CustomizeValidator(RuleSet = "Create")]  MyEntity model)

This will insure that requests to action Create will be validated with the RuleSet Create. All other action will use the call to ExecuteCommonRules in controller.

I have found one way to do it by adding a second validator.Validate to the CallValidation(string ruleSet) method it is as follows

public virtual bool CallValidation(string ruleSet)
            Errors = new List<ValidationFailure>();
            ValidatorAttribute val = this.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ValidatorAttribute), true)[0] as ValidatorAttribute;
            IValidator validator = Activator.CreateInstance(val.ValidatorType) as IValidator;
            FluentValidation.Results.ValidationResult result = validator.Validate(new FluentValidation.ValidationContext(this, new PropertyChain(), new RulesetValidatorSelector(ruleSet)));
            FluentValidation.Results.ValidationResult resultCommon = validator.Validate(this);
            IsValid = (result.IsValid && resultCommon.IsValid);
            Errors = result.Errors.Union(resultCommon.Errors).ToList();
            return IsValid;