How to fix .vscode tracking in gitignore

Maybe try this in your .gitignore. This should ignore the entire .vscode directory, no matter where it is located.


Happened for an Untracked git file .vscode/settings.json. Turned out to be a second line in our huge .gitignore file that was overriding the effort. In example below simply remove the bottom line.

Remember to re-stage and commit .gitgnore after the change.

# IDEs and editors
.vscode/settings.json   -- Line I added that "was not working"

# IDE - VSCode
!.vscode/settings.json  -- Line discovered that was overriding above (REMOVE)

Had similar problem, turned out the files were added to my cache. Clearing it with below command worked.

git rm --cached .vscode/settings.json

Reference to the issue on github where I found the solution.