Pandas: How do I return a row value once a column reaches a certain value of another column?

From your question:

creating a new timestamp column for when running_bid_max greater than or equal to the value in ask_price_target_good. Then create a separate timestamp column for when running_bid_min is less than or equal to ask_price_target_bad

the problem seems trivial:

df['g'] = np.where(, df['time'], pd.NaT)

df['l'] = np.where(df.running_bid_min.le(df.ask_price_target_bad), df['time'], pd.NaT)

Or am I missing something?

Update: you might want to ffill and bfill after the above commands:

df['g'] = df['g'].bfill()
df['l'] = df['l'].ffill()

Output, for example df['g']:

0    2019-07-24 08:00:59.058198
1    2019-07-24 08:00:59.058198
2    2019-07-24 08:00:59.058198
3    2019-07-24 08:00:59.058198
4    2019-07-24 08:00:59.058198
5    2019-07-24 08:00:59.058198
6    2019-07-24 08:00:59.058198
7    2019-07-24 08:00:59.058198
8    2019-07-24 08:00:59.058198
9    2019-07-24 08:00:59.058198
10   2019-07-24 08:01:00.802679
11   2019-07-24 08:01:02.781289
12   2019-07-24 08:01:04.645144
13   2019-07-24 08:01:06.491997
14   2019-07-24 08:01:08.586688

It would be very nice if you could print the desired output. Otherwise I may miss the logic.

If you are working on large amount of data, it makes sense to apply steaming analytics*. (This will quite memory efficient and if you use cytoolz even 2-4 times faster)

So basically you would like to partition your data based on either one or the other condition:

partitions = toolz.partitionby(lambda x: (x['running_bid_max'] >= x['ask_price_target_good']) or
                                         (x['running_bid_min'] <= x['ask_price_target_bad']), data_stream)

Whatever you will do with individual partitions is up to you (you can create addtional fields or columns etc.).

print([(part[0]['time'], part[-1]['time'], 
        part[0]['running_bid_max'] > part[0]['ask_price_target_good'],
        part[0]['running_bid_min'] > part[0]['ask_price_target_bad']) 
       for part in partitions])
[('2019-07-24T07:59:46.393418', '2019-07-24T07:59:46.393418', False, False), 
 ('2019-07-24T07:59:44.432034', '2019-07-24T07:59:44.432034', False,  True), 
 ('2019-07-24T07:59:48.425615', '2019-07-24T07:59:54.428181', False, False), 
 ('2019-07-24T07:59:58.550378', '2019-07-24T08:00:57.338769', False,  True), 
 ('2019-07-24T08:00:59.058198', '2019-07-24T08:01:08.586688',  True,  True)]

Also note that it is easy to create individual DataFrames

info_cols = ['running_bid_max', 'ask_price_target_good', 'running_bid_min', 'ask_price_target_bad', 'time'] 
data_frames = [pandas.DataFrame(_)[info_cols] for _ in partitions]
   running_bid_max  ask_price_target_good  running_bid_min  ask_price_target_bad                        time
0            291.4                 291.53           291.09                291.13  2019-07-24T07:59:46.393418

   running_bid_max  ask_price_target_good  running_bid_min  ask_price_target_bad                        time
0            291.4                 291.46           291.09                291.06  2019-07-24T07:59:44.432034

   running_bid_max  ask_price_target_good  running_bid_min  ask_price_target_bad                        time
0            291.4                 291.53           291.09                291.13  2019-07-24T07:59:48.425615
1            291.4                 291.53           291.09                291.13  2019-07-24T07:59:50.084206
2            291.4                 291.53           291.09                291.13  2019-07-24T07:59:52.326455
3            291.4                 291.53           291.09                291.13  2019-07-24T07:59:54.428181

   running_bid_max  ask_price_target_good  running_bid_min  ask_price_target_bad                        time
0           291.40                 291.55            291.2                291.15  2019-07-24T07:59:58.550378
1           291.40                 291.55            291.2                291.15  2019-07-24T08:00:00.837238
2           291.51                 291.66            291.4                291.26  2019-07-24T08:00:57.338769

   running_bid_max  ask_price_target_good  running_bid_min  ask_price_target_bad                        time
0           291.96                 291.66           291.40                291.26  2019-07-24T08:00:59.058198
1           291.96                 291.66           291.40                291.26  2019-07-24T08:01:00.802679
2           291.96                 291.66           291.45                291.26  2019-07-24T08:01:02.781289
3           291.96                 291.66           291.45                291.26  2019-07-24T08:01:04.645144
4           292.07                 291.66           291.45                291.26  2019-07-24T08:01:06.491997
5           292.10                 291.66           291.45                291.26  2019-07-24T08:01:08.586688

Unfortunatly I couldn't find a one liner pytition_by for DataFrame. It surely is hidden somewhere. (But again, pandas usually loads all data into memory - if you want to aggregate during I/O than streaming could be a way to go.)

*Streaming Example

For example, lets us create a simple csv stream:

def data_stream():
    with open('blubb.csv') as tsfile:
        reader = csv.DictReader(tsfile, delimiter='\t')
        number_keys = [_ for _ in reader.fieldnames if _ != 'time']

        def update_values(data_item):
            for k in number_keys:
                data_item[k] = float(data_item[k])
            return data_item
        for row in reader:
            yield update_values(dict(row))

that yields one processed row at a time:


{'time': '2019-07-24T07:59:46.393418',
 'bid_price': 291.1,
 'ask_price': 291.33,
 'running_bid_max': 291.4,
 'running_bid_min': 291.09,
 'ask_price_target_good': 291.53,
 'ask_price_target_bad': 291.13}

I am not sure I correctly understand your problem. I provide below a solution to the following problem:

  • For a given row (which I will call the current row), we keep all the rows whose time is between the time of this row and the time of this row plus 5 minutes
  • In the rows we have kept, we search if running_bid_max might be superior to the value we have in the ask_price_target_good column of the current row
  • If so, we keep the first occurrence of running_bid_max superior to ask_price_target_good of the current row

In your example, for row 0, we have 291.46 in ask_price_target_good. At row 8 (whose time in within the time frame of 5 minutes from the time of row0), we find 291.51 (which is superior to 291.46) and thus we would like to keep this value for row 0.

A symmetric operation must be done for running_bid_min that must be tested to be inferior to ask_price_target_bad.

To solve this problem, I wrote the following code. I am not using iterrows but the apply function of DataFrame. Nevertheless, I need, for each row, to select a bunch of rows from the whole dataframe (the 5 minutes time window) before searching the lines that might be superior to ask_price_target_good. I hope this will be fast enough if you have large dataframes.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dtm

data = pd.read_csv("data.csv", parse_dates=["time"])


def over_target_good(row, dataframe):
    time_window = dataframe.time <= (row.time
                                     + dtm.timedelta(seconds=TIME_WINDOW))
    window_data = dataframe[time_window]
    over_test = window_data.running_bid_max >= row.ask_price_target_good
    over_data = window_data[over_test]
    if len(over_data) > 0:
        return over_data.running_bid_max[over_data.index[0]]
    return np.NaN

def below_target_bad(row, dataframe):
    time_window = dataframe.time <= (row.time
                                     + dtm.timedelta(seconds=TIME_WINDOW))
    window_data = dataframe[time_window]
    below_test = window_data.running_bid_min <= row.ask_price_target_bad
    below_data = window_data[below_test]
    if len(below_data) > 0:
        return below_data.running_bid_min[below_data.index[0]]
    return np.NaN

print("OVER\n", data.apply(over_target_good, axis=1, args=(data,)) )
print("BELOW\n", data.apply(below_target_bad, axis=1, args=(data,)) )