How to find the size of the file in Node.js?

To get a file's size in megabytes:

var fs = require("fs"); // Load the filesystem module
var stats = fs.statSync("myfile.txt")
var fileSizeInBytes = stats.size;
// Convert the file size to megabytes (optional)
var fileSizeInMegabytes = fileSizeInBytes / (1024*1024);

or in bytes:

function getFilesizeInBytes(filename) {
    var stats = fs.statSync(filename);
    var fileSizeInBytes = stats.size;
    return fileSizeInBytes;

If you use ES6 and deconstructing, finding the size of a file in bytes only takes 2 lines (one if the fs module is already declared!):

const fs = require('fs');
const {size} = fs.statSync('path/to/file');

Note that this will fail if the size variable was already declared. This can be avoided by renaming the variable while deconstructing using a colon:

const fs = require('fs');
const {size: file1Size} = fs.statSync('path/to/file1');
const {size: file2Size} = fs.statSync('path/to/file2');

For anyone looking for a current answer with native packages, here's how to get mb size of a file without blocking the event loop using fs (specifically, fsPromises) and async/await:

const fs = require('fs').promises;
const BYTES_PER_MB = 1024 ** 2;

// paste following snippet inside of respective `async` function
const fileStats = await fs.stat('/path/to/file');
const fileSizeInMb = fileStats.size / BYTES_PER_MB;

In addition, you can use the NPM filesize package:

This package makes things a little more configurable.

var fs = require("fs"); //Load the filesystem module

var filesize = require("filesize"); 

var stats = fs.statSync("myfile.txt")

var fileSizeInMb = filesize(stats.size, {round: 0});

For more examples: