React Router Match Miss

And to add to the last post, you'll find this in react-router-dom. It's no longer in the react-router core library.

Here's a pattern I have found works for react routing. Same as previous posters, basically. You'll need to build the additional components included.

import {BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch} from 'react-router-dom';

{/* Import your components here */}

class Root extends React.Component{
                        <Route exact path='/' component={App} /> )} />
                        <Route path="/some-component"  component={SomeComponent} /> 
                        <Route component={NotFound}/>
render(<Root/>, document.querySelector('#main'));

<Match> and <Miss> were components in the alpha release of React Router v4.

In the beta, <Match> has been renamed <Route> (and its props have changed so that pattern is now path and exactly is exact). The <Miss> component was removed entirely. Instead you should use a <Switch> statement, which will only render the first <Route> (or <Redirect>) that is matched. You can add a pathless component as the last child of the <Switch>'s routes and it will render when none of the preceding <Route>s match.

You can check out the API documentation for more details.

  <Route exact path='/' component={Home} />
  <Route path='/about' component={About} />
  // The following <Route> has no path, so it will always
  // match. This means that <NoMatch> will render when none
  // of the other <Route>s match the current location.
  <Route component={NoMatch} />